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The opportunity to organise European Social Days is a sign of confidence
P:3, 23. 02. 2022 21:42,

Bratislava, 23 February (TK KBS/Radio LUMEN) For Slovaks, the opportunity to organise the European Catholic Social Days is a sign of confidence showing that we are capable of preparing events of an international character. Professor Miloš Lichner said this in Radio LUMEN's programme "Zaostrené" (Focus). He was discussing the European Catholic Social Days, which will be held in Bratislava in three weeks' time with more than 150 delegates of bishops' conferences from all over Europe. The main theme will be: Europe beyond the pandemic, a new beginning.

European Catholic Social Days seeks to link the secular world with the Church. Professor Miloš Lichner thinks this is right, as both the world and the Church are dealing with many common themes. "This are the third European Catholic Social Days, when we connect with people of good will, and the Church tries to be helpful to secular society from the point of view of a person of faith. How I, a person of faith, with my values, can help? And I think this is relevant and very wise."

One of the topics to be discussed in Bratislava is ecology. "Our effort as theologians, or even as people of faith in general, is to pass on a living faith to the next generation. And from that comes the second step, which I think is also important, that this younger generation, with this living faith, is going to be able to live on a unspoiled planet," said professor Lichner.

The "Zaostrené" (Focus) programme also discussed the tensions on Ukraine's border with Russia. Professor Lichner offered a reflection on how to deal with the threat of possible conflict. "Now this is a great space for us believers to really get down on our knees, to take the rosary in our hands and to pray for peace. After all, even St. John Paul II made it clear many times that communism did not fall because some president made a decision with someone else, but because of the sacrifices and prayers of thousands and thousands of people of faith." 

The entire "Zaostrené" (Focus) program can be found in the Radio LUMEN archives.

(Source: Radio LUMEN / Peter Stancel)

( TK KBS, rlu, pst, ml, mk; pz ) 20220223029   |   Upozorniť na chybu v správe |
